Thursday, September 1, 2011

Happy Anniversary

Terry and I got married 8 years ago and were sealed in the Bountiful Temple. We have had a fun and exciting time in those years. It never fails that Terry has meetings and/or conferences on our anniversary every year. This year was no exception. So I devised a plan.... A plan to go on a date with my husband. I worked my charm a week prior.. saying that we haven't done anything for a year. (which we haven't thanks to the whole cancer thing). Well what should we do? I talked him into going online and reserving a room in Salt Lake. We did a "staycation".
On Friday night we drove to Salt Lake and stayed at the Sheraton. We then searched for a a place to eat. Have any on you been to Salt Lake on a Friday night? The economy is doing well... you can't find a place to #1 park and #2 the line in the restaurants are HUGE! I gave Terry the suggestion to just go to either the Lion House or The Garden at Temple Square. He chose The Garden. It was amazing. The food was fair -- but the view was breathtaking.
We then went back to the Sheraton. The king size bed was HUGE and down-filled comforter was so cuddily. It was the first time since my surgeries that I could lay on my side. It felt wonderful. I slept so well! I just enjoyed sleeping and being with my sweetheart.
The next morning we went to Our Temple, Bountiful... Talk about another amazing view! Terry and I did some sealings for those who have passed on. It was fun to see how long these people have waited to be sealed to their spouse. I felt incredibly grateful that I had my sweetheart and we have been sealed. I know that when one of us passes from this world ..... we will be together Forever!! It gives me great peace to have this knowledge. My husband is the world to me. He is so kind, and I think in the 8 years I have been married to him ...he has raised his voice ..once! But who's counting;)
What a wonderful anniversary a couple days before our real anniversary on August 30! Love you sweetheart!

Cancer UPDATE:
I have had tingling in my fingers in my right hand.... I have had pain from my underarm to my wrist on my right arm. I am going to a lyphademeogist today to see what the problem is.
I am feeling well. I am tired and sleep a lot. (the doctor said I need to sleep and get to the REM stage for healing to take place). My feet have been really sore as well... I have neuropothy. Which translated means my nerves are shot in my feet due to the chemo. Will I get my feeling back you say??? No, this one I am stuck with. Thank you chemo for screwing up my feet!! I am dealing with it the best I can. Terry is incredibly understanding and patient. Next week is the BIG CT scan to check the spots on the spine. Hopefully, the doctors will tell me it is scar tissue and there is nothing to worry about. I said Hopefully! Prayers are still welcome... if your knees are not yet worn out. Thank you all for you love and support.

I can't leave today without saying what a wonderful, supportive family I have. My daughter Jenni has spent the ENTIRE summer taking care of her mother! She hasn't had much SUMMER FUN! She has taken care of me EVERYDAY!! I know this is not fun but I am so eternally grateful to my sweet Jenni and her sacrifice she has given to me... ( I also think they have been incredibly blessed to have photo shoots every weekend) Thanks Jen for your sacrifice! love you! Oh-- HUGE NEWS I Have saved-- Through sacrifice comes blessings..... Congratulations Jared and Jenni for bringing me a new grand baby in March! I am so very excited!! I am so sorry you've been sick... Invetero finally worked! YEAH!!! I guess we were sick together this summer!
One more bit of happiness... Brandon will be working for a new company in Provo now! Good bye RC Willey.. You are losing one of the BEST sells people you have ever had. Congratulations to Janell and Brandon. Sure love you!!


Doug and Michele said...

Happy Anniversary! I am glad you had a good time. It is good to see that you are doing so well, just know that our prayers are still going out for you! We love you!

The McClellan Clan said...

Happy anniversary little lady!!! I bet it was a pretty scene and I bet you were so happy to be in the temple!! I wish you a wonderful 8 more and then 8 more and then 8 more and then 8 more and then... oh you get it :) I love and think of you daily! You're the breast!!!! ;) take care!