Jenni is our hero---She is working on pics for her class. We are her subject this week. Thanks Jen---You're so good! Love you. To see more pictures at Silverstrand Photography, click HERE.
Hi All! We want to wish you all a Happy 2009. How time flies. We've had Jenni submitting our posting on this blog from the beginning. If you link to her blog(s) you'll see she needed resigned her post as our personal secretary, so she can work on her own sites. Terry then put this link our Christmas cards, which we are (we admit) slackers. Busy, Busy, Busy!!
Gloria completed her classes in administration in December. She has submitted her portfolio and is waiting to hear from the district(s). She is also working hard at a treatment center in Provo, teaching PE and Health.
Terry is working on new year (end of year) scouting. He is busy trying to recover from his shoulder surgery in August. It takes a while to recoup.
We spent Christmas with Terry parents in California and had a great time. We even made it to Disneyland in the rain. By the way Haskell is not fair when playing "UNO." We didn't say he cheats.... he just is NOT fair. And Betty, Who gets four Yahtzee's in one game... I mean..... really???? Obviously we both lost when playing games with our parents.
We love spending time with Jenni, Jared, Janell, Brandon, Brickman and Baby Teagan. We enjoyed Janell's late birthday party. Playing games with all, and just hanging out... Building trains tracks with Brickman and spending Grandma Glori time with Teagan. Grandma Glori has been named "Baby HOG."
We are heading back to Star Valley this weekend to see Mom and Dad. Hopefully we'll have picture's to submit when we return.... Enjoy the current pics! Take care all!