Saturday, March 26, 2011

Can you say STRESS??

It’s been a couple of weeks since I have blogged… I have a difficult time writing when things are stressful.
Stress #1
Two weeks ago after chemo I developed a lump on my left shoulder. I didn’t know what it was. When the doctor and nurse saw it, they immediately sent me to get an ultrasound. They thought it might me a blood clot. Thankfully it was not a blood clot. They still are not sure why I have the lump on my shoulder. It is still there but not as big as before. Crazy
Stress #2
Terry and I bought a new car. I was sad to see our green goblet go on St. Patty’s day. It was starting to have some challenges:( Pretty ironic huh…. We love our new car are excited to take may trips. It is a Kia Sorento. We got a great deal on it because it had 6,000 miles on it. The picture is a stock photo - ours doesn't have fog lights or a sun roof.
Stress #3
Provo Canyon Orem moved to Provo Canyon Springville. I arranged for Mrs.Utah to come and visit with the girls, while everyone else moved. Jenny did a great job. I also got Habit for Humanities to come as well. The speakers did an amazing job taking about service and how the girls could build houses. It was great. I was in charge of the about 70 girls along with another teacher, and a few staff members. We did a great job entertaining the girls for 6.5 hours. Volleyball, Fruit basket, Relaxation and amazing speakers. Meanwhile the rest of the teachers and maintenance workers moved the entire school area. Amazingly enough--. Everyone was ready to teach on Monday. I am still unpacking boxes. (I’m not suppose to be around dust) We have such great teachers and staff.
Stress #4
Two years ago the company I work for laid off 4 teachers. On Monday they laid off our librarian. I was very sad. She is a very nice woman. I wish her the very best. You never know if you’ll have a job tomorrow. I am very grateful for the job I have right now.
Stress #5
My sweet daughter Jenni and her husband Jared are working on artificial insemination. Yes-future grandchildren. I have been watching Jenni working through many shots, and worrying about how to pay for the whole process. I am so excited for them to have a family. Hopefully, it all works and Jenni will be pregnant in a few weeks.
Stress #6
My little grand-daughter Teagan, gets random fevers of 104+. The fever lasts for a couple of days. The doctor says that some kids just have high fevers to fight off flu bugs. Weirdly enough- she is only two years old and she has these fevers every other month.
Stress #7
Thursday, March 24th I went to go get chemo. I was ready to go and my blood work came back—indicating that my immune system was 800 and it should be at least 1000. So chemo has been postponed until next Thursday..
Non stress
Mom and dad, and Danny and Kristi are on there way for springbreak and stopped for a visit and dinner. Yummy Red Lobster. It was awesome! Love you Family!!!

I will do better at keep up with the blog.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


Who really likes change?
At work we are moving our campus to Springville after almost 3 years of discussion. Well I can't be by dust, I can't lift things, so I am feeling like a bit of a whimp. Luckily I have an amazing husband who came and helped me pack. So I have a cute little pile of boxes all packed up ready to go. My job on moving day is to take care of the students. I have two guest speakers, games and of course some relaxation ordered for the students that day. I will be leading the games and relaxations. Hopefully it will be a wonderful smooth transition.

Well I got my Chemo yesterday. I got my shot this morning to bring up the blood levels. Yesterday I was feeling apprehensive going to my appointment. I mean really-- I was feeling so good- and I go in and get meds to make me feel sick... Who wants to do that.
I did tell the doctor I wanted to see this demons that are plaguing my breasts. He said he would talk to the radiologist and I would be able to see the PET scan. I'm quite excited to see where it is in my breasts. I want to know what it looks like. I guess I'm weird that way..Very visual!

I go word that my SV nephews and nieces are burning up the basketball court and the stage. I am so proud of them. I love the cute texts and facebook comments I get from them.
Last week I went to Morgan and spent the weekend with Brandon, Janell, Brickman and Teagan. Teagan is talking and says Grandmum Glori so cute. But the BIG star this past weekend was Brickman. He went to Weber State for a Music Fest. He was in the category with all the 3rd grade students and younger. There were about 100 students in this category. He is five years old and plays the violin. He came in third in the competition. WOW WOW WOW! I was so impressed with my little Bricky. He did such a great job. He wasn't even nervous. He just introduced himself, and his song and started playing. The judge asked him a few questions and he answered without a problem. He then had to return that night for an award concert and ceremony. I wasn't feeling well so Terry went with Janell, Kraig and Debbie. I'm glad he has such great support. I am so thankful I have an amazing family. I am going to try to put a picture of Brickman as a post from my phone. Hopefully it works. So if your wondering...... It's Brickman with his trophy.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Undate a little late

Okay-This is an delayed update.
Sunday- 2/27/11 Terry and I were just chilling before church. My Aunt Maurine call and we were catching up on life, when the doorbell rang. Terry said, "If we're quiet maybe they'll go away." I said, "Go answer the door." To Terry's surprise it was my mom and dad. I was still talking to Maurine when mom came into my room. I was so excited to see her. I told Maurine that if she wanted she could come on over as well. One thing I didn't tell her was that Terry and I were talking in church. Mom and Dad came down to hear us speak. After church we Maurine, Charles and Marie came back to my house and we visited for a couple of hours. Then we went to Olive Garden for some yummy dinner. I was awesome to have my mom and dad!!! It was even more awesome to have Maurine, Charles and Marie. We had a great time.
Wednesday 3/2/11 I got a visit from Lee and Melissa. We had a great visit! Lee is a nut of you don't already know that. He made me laugh. Melissa is as gorgeous as ever! It was fun to go to Won Won Wok for dinner with them and have some Chinese food. We visited, laughed and even cryed.
Thanks family for making a great week even better.