Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Home tomorrow??

Mom had a pluralsantisis or something like that.  :)  Where they go in and suck the fluid out of her lung with a needle.  They got around 600 ml of fluid out of her right lung.  The doc said that they will see how she is doing tomorrow and she may go home! :)  She's pretty excited to get out of that stinkin' hospital!  Honestly, she looks great!  She has her cute little rosy cheeks back and she's doing great.  They are looking into having home health care come by her home for a little while.  I haven't gotten all the details on that.

Oh, and she opened her anniversary gift from dad today!  She was pretty excited.  It's a couple days early because he has to be at a conference on their anniversary.  But she got an ipad!  and a super cute teal case for it.  She said, "Shut up!"  when she opened it. :)  Love my mom! :)

Monday, August 27, 2012


Mom had a good day today. She got more rest. When i got there, they took her back to surgery to get a catheter drain put in her lung. While she was in surgery, they told her that there was too much scar tissue. They won't be able to put it in. Mom told the doctor to just drain as much as he could and not to worry about the catheter. The doctor said that was a good idea so that is what they did.

Doctor Day

This morning was Doctor Day for mom.  She had doctor after doctor after doctor come in and talk to her.  They are going to put in a drain thing in her lung.  (sorry I don't know all the technical names)  They are doing to do that sometime today.  Also, they are going to continue her chemo treatments.  Dr. Rich said that if everything goes well, we are looking more at a year to a year and half with my beautiful mom.  If the chemo doesn't react well, then we are looking at 3-4 months.  So let's pray that the chemo works!  Love you mom!

Update on my mom...

My mom wanted me to do a blog update.  A lot has happened since she last posted.  I am going to just start where we are now. 

Last week, mom started to get some really bad pains in her abdomen. She called her doctor, and he said to go to the ER.  So on Sunday night (the 19th), she went.  She was thinking... ok, I'll go to the ER and then be home Monday or Tuesday.  Not the case.  She went in, was in EXTREME pain, so they gave her lots of meds.  They didn't know what was causing the pain.  They thought it might be the fluid in her lungs, so they drained it and started treating her with antibiotics for "pneumonia". Still had pain.  They did a bunch of scans.  She still had the pain.  Then she had an allergic reaction to the antibiotic.  Her heart rate jumped clear up and her other vitals went really low.  They quickly got that under control, but the meds that they gave her made her really loopy and hallucinate.  She was not acting like my mom at all.  She then became really lethargic and really sleepy.  She would be talking to you and then her eyes would roll back in her head and she would fall asleep.  She texted me some really random texts that didn't make any sense... something about Illinois.??  and Terri warming up the polio. ??  Which was funny but weird.  Then finally she came out of the loopiness.  She started to act like my mom again.   They said that they thought the pain was coming from a "hot spot" on her liver that the cancer was causing.  I went home thinking all was great and they would get this all under control and she would be going home.

The next morning, Jared and I went to the hospital, and everyone was sad.  She just talked to the Doc.  (I wasn't there... so this is all what other people have told me...) but he told her that there is a lot of fluid in her lungs which is making it hard to breathe.  there is also fluid around her heart which is causing her heart to work twice as hard and start to enlarge.  Then I also heart that she may have some fluid in her heart as well.  He told her that this is serious.  And basically she has weeks to months until it will take her life. 

So not the news any of us wanted to hear.  I've been crying a lot.  I know Heavenly Father's plan for us, and I know we will all be together... but it still sucks.  So that's where mom is right now.  She is in the ICU.  She hasn't been getting very good sleep and is very tired, but is still happy and smiling and such an inspiration to everyone.  I love her so, so much.

The doctor is thinking about putting in a drain in her lungs to help with the fluid in them so she doesn't have to keep getting poked in the back with that huge needle to get the fluid out... which increases the chances of getting a punctured lung... but that's still in the works.  Well, I'm going to go get ready so I can go see my mom.  :)

Here are a few pics:

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Blog addresses

Hi Everyone! :)  So I was fixing my mom's blog because the background decided to disappear, and when I did, the list of friends and family's blogs that she had on the side disappeared.  sheesh!  My mom likes to stay updated on all her friends lives, so if you have a blog, let me or my mom know the URL so I can add it to her list on the side.  You can send it to: jenni.skelton@yahoo.com or put it below as a comment.  Thanks so much!