Jan 6- I get very anxious before chemo treatments. NOT sure way? I guess it's the unknown or maybe it is the known.... Terry usually gives me a blessing before I go so I feel more calm. I always works.
Terry had to work and had meetings so he couldn't take me to treatment. Jenni just jumps right in to help. She drove me to the hospital and went through the treatment (a mere 5 hours). About 3 hours into the treatment Terry showed up and gave more moral support. I am very blessed to have family who loves me and want to help take care of me. After the chemo I felt pretty good in general. The think with chemo is it goes in to kill all cells good-and bad. There are side affects (some good some bad) to all of the chemo, here are a few:
#1 The next day I go in for a shot to help create white and red blood cell. Okay Anatomy 101... Where are blood cells created?...... In the bone morrow inside the long bones. So what happens is the bone in my body feel like they are EXPLODING with the production of the blood cells. aka PAIN.
#2 Mouth sores: I get these little sores all over in my mouth. They are pretty much annoying! This week they we out of control and caused Thrush as well. A film that is all over the inside of my mouth and down my throat.
#3 Nausea/Heartburn: I feel like I am going to throw up all the time. I have med's for all of this, which helps. But the burning feeling is not cool.
#4 Constipation/Diarrhea: I really know you want to know about my bowels but it part if it. The first of the week Constipation- by the end of the week diarrhea. Well this week the diarrhea took over and dehydration hit. I had to go in on Friday the 14th and get fluids dripped into me.
#5 Fatigue: I just feel tired all the time.
#6 Sleeplessness: I want to sleep but I can't fall a sleep. So I just lay there--WIDE AWAKE for hours. (they did give me drugs to help)
#7 Short tempered: I try to stay in my office at work, so I don't say something that will offend another person. Sometime Terry gets the blunt of it. I don't mean to be mean. I really try to be kind... I think I'm doing pretty good. Hopefully Terry know... "It's the Chemo Brain".. Sure love you Ter....
#8 Can be around sick people: Wearing a mask-suffocated me. But if I want to be healthy I need to wear a mask. I guess at work right now we have strep throat, bronchitis and pink eye. I personally don't want it. So once again, I stay in my office and spray Lysol all day. Use hand sanitizer and yes-wear a mask.
#9 Depression/Feel Bads: I just feel sad, like my "feel bads" have been hurt. They Doctor suggested that I get out of town and get some SUN. I'm all for that. Janell and are planning a Birthday trip to St. George. Look forward to feel good.
#10 Sore feet and hands: I have my feet and hand go numb. This is called Neuropothy, (nerve damage) (We'll talk about that in Chemo 3's post)
Needless to say the week after Chemo is the pits.... Then an amazing thing happens the third week. I get feeling better.... My energy is back and I feel like I could run a marathon. (not really a marathon but you get the point). I try to get as much as I can done at work, and home. I am in a happier mood, and I get a lot done. Just in time for Chemo 3.........
Friday, January 28, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
House Cleaning
Several weeks ago, I was just watching some mindless television show on TV and some one knocked on my back door. (With the snow no one comes through my back door.) Janell, Teagan, and Brickman came bouncing into the house. I was shocked.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Jenni and I decided you need your house sanitized and cleaned. I need your relief society Presidents phone number. "
"I don't have their number besides the entire ward is at a ward Christmas party."
"Mom, you have the numbers, I'll call and make all the arrangements." I found an old ward bulletin and sure enough there were all the phone numbers for the ward leadership. Janell called and left this message..
"Hi this is Janell, I'm Gloria Richardson's daughter, my sister and I are here to sanitize my my mom's house. We need 10 women from the ward to come and help. We are starting at 9:00 am. We'll see you in the morning. Thanks)
I guess I really have never seen the LDS relief society at work in this capacity. I have helped on occasion with a meal or something, but not sanitizing and entire house. I just hoped someone would show. I had a party last fall and invited the entire neighborhood. No one showed up. It was my daughters and I. So-I wasn't holding my breath.
The next morning, I made breakfast and we all got ready. I was to stay away from any chemicals so I didn't get sick. Then the doorbell rang. Women poured into my house. I didn't even know half of them. Tears welled up in my eyes. I had never seen such love and compassion to me.
Janell and Jenni had simplified the cleaning process. They put a note on each door to each room specifying what needed to be done in that room. When the relief society sisters came in and wanted to know what to do, Janell or Jenni would say, "Pick a room, see if someone is in there and either help them or find an empty room and do whatever it says on the door sign."
The cleaning supplies were on the kitchen table, along with gloves. Walls were being bleached, baseboards were being scrubbed, bathrooms were being cleaned and sanitized. There were about 10 unselfish women, who gave up their morning for me. I was so impressed. One, with my daughters organizing the entire cleaning procedure. Two, with the women who gave their time and their cleaning expertise. We even had one sister bring her daughter and she taught her how to serve.
I have always had a hard time asking for help. Janell and Jenni taught me a valuable lesson that day. People in general are good, neighbors are even better, and if asked LDS women will do about anything to help someone else. So here is a be WHO RAH fro all you ladies who helped me that day.!! WHO RAH!! I have the most sterile house in Silverlake. Life is Good!!!
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Jenni and I decided you need your house sanitized and cleaned. I need your relief society Presidents phone number. "
"I don't have their number besides the entire ward is at a ward Christmas party."
"Mom, you have the numbers, I'll call and make all the arrangements." I found an old ward bulletin and sure enough there were all the phone numbers for the ward leadership. Janell called and left this message..
"Hi this is Janell, I'm Gloria Richardson's daughter, my sister and I are here to sanitize my my mom's house. We need 10 women from the ward to come and help. We are starting at 9:00 am. We'll see you in the morning. Thanks)
I guess I really have never seen the LDS relief society at work in this capacity. I have helped on occasion with a meal or something, but not sanitizing and entire house. I just hoped someone would show. I had a party last fall and invited the entire neighborhood. No one showed up. It was my daughters and I. So-I wasn't holding my breath.
The next morning, I made breakfast and we all got ready. I was to stay away from any chemicals so I didn't get sick. Then the doorbell rang. Women poured into my house. I didn't even know half of them. Tears welled up in my eyes. I had never seen such love and compassion to me.
Janell and Jenni had simplified the cleaning process. They put a note on each door to each room specifying what needed to be done in that room. When the relief society sisters came in and wanted to know what to do, Janell or Jenni would say, "Pick a room, see if someone is in there and either help them or find an empty room and do whatever it says on the door sign."
The cleaning supplies were on the kitchen table, along with gloves. Walls were being bleached, baseboards were being scrubbed, bathrooms were being cleaned and sanitized. There were about 10 unselfish women, who gave up their morning for me. I was so impressed. One, with my daughters organizing the entire cleaning procedure. Two, with the women who gave their time and their cleaning expertise. We even had one sister bring her daughter and she taught her how to serve.
I have always had a hard time asking for help. Janell and Jenni taught me a valuable lesson that day. People in general are good, neighbors are even better, and if asked LDS women will do about anything to help someone else. So here is a be WHO RAH fro all you ladies who helped me that day.!! WHO RAH!! I have the most sterile house in Silverlake. Life is Good!!!
Friday, January 21, 2011
The Story: Part 21 Chemotherapy
This post will update my story. I will now just keep you up-to-date on daily procedures and visits.
Not knowing what to expect, Terry and I went in to the cancer center.
After visiting with the doctor, the nurses, Kelly and Jamie, had me sit down in a reclining chair. Then the paperwork. After going through all the paperword--- the question was asked, "do you agree with all the information given? If not you can leave right now." Obviously I agreed.
The nurses decided my port was still to itchy...so they didn't use it. They hooked me up with a warm blanket- and an IV in my left arm. They started with steroids to help my body handle the chemo.
After the steroids they hooked up the "taxatear". (I wrote the Chemo's name phonetically.). You'll never guess what happened next..... Yes-- my face started going red. My head felt like it was ready to pop off my shoulders. Nurse Jamie hustled in and disconnected me. I guess I'm allergic to this chemo. NICE....... Benadryl was hooked up to stop the reaction.
Long story short...they gave me the benadryl and hooked up the chemo again. This went on for 6 hours
Nurse Kelly gave me some wigs to try on. I tried a couple on and Kelly said, "Gloria, why don't you take off your wig so the other wigs will fit better.". I told her, "This is my real hair. It doesn't come off...YET.". We all laughed. .... We're all caught up.
Not knowing what to expect, Terry and I went in to the cancer center.
After visiting with the doctor, the nurses, Kelly and Jamie, had me sit down in a reclining chair. Then the paperwork. After going through all the paperword--- the question was asked, "do you agree with all the information given? If not you can leave right now." Obviously I agreed.
The nurses decided my port was still to itchy...so they didn't use it. They hooked me up with a warm blanket- and an IV in my left arm. They started with steroids to help my body handle the chemo.
After the steroids they hooked up the "taxatear". (I wrote the Chemo's name phonetically.). You'll never guess what happened next..... Yes-- my face started going red. My head felt like it was ready to pop off my shoulders. Nurse Jamie hustled in and disconnected me. I guess I'm allergic to this chemo. NICE....... Benadryl was hooked up to stop the reaction.
Long story short...they gave me the benadryl and hooked up the chemo again. This went on for 6 hours
Nurse Kelly gave me some wigs to try on. I tried a couple on and Kelly said, "Gloria, why don't you take off your wig so the other wigs will fit better.". I told her, "This is my real hair. It doesn't come off...YET.". We all laughed. .... We're all caught up.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
The Story: Part 20: More Results
Terry (what a wonderful husband) has been right by my side for the first bout of cancer and throughout our entire marriage. What a wonderful guy!! Lucky me!!
Anyway-- Terry and I went back to the oncologist after the PET scan... Hoping for good news. Dr. Nathan was very real... He was point blank, did not beat around the bush when he told me he thought there "might" be some cancer that had gone to me sacrum. (Come on all you health students--where in the body is your sacrum?) Lowest part of the spinal column next to the coccyx. It is the first butt bone.
Dr. Nathan told me I had a spot, that could be cancer, on my sacrum that showed up on the PET scan.
"You mean to tell me I have breast cancer in my BUTT?" "You're kidding right?" I was not happy.
I continued, "You see- I have a herniated disc between the L-1 disc and the sacrum... I believe it is wear and tear on my lower back. I don't believe it is cancer. My back hurts all the time. I just live with it. Does the PET scan show injured areas??"
"Your PET scan was very pronounced. It shows all your cancer."
"You mean it showed up.... The cancer really showed up?"
"It is throughout both breasts and the lymph nodes under both arms and the lymph nodes under your clavicle (breast bones). " "You'll start Chemotherapy next Thursday, December 16th."
Side note: At this point after my surgery to put in the Port, PET scan and diagnosis. I am red and I mean red all over my left breast and up my neck. The surgical covering, aka tape... I am allergic to. I mean I am itching and scratching and not being very happy. Terry went to go get benedryl and hydrocortazone. Thank goodness. One more thing on the list of allergic reactions... surgical tape. ------more to come-----
Anyway-- Terry and I went back to the oncologist after the PET scan... Hoping for good news. Dr. Nathan was very real... He was point blank, did not beat around the bush when he told me he thought there "might" be some cancer that had gone to me sacrum. (Come on all you health students--where in the body is your sacrum?) Lowest part of the spinal column next to the coccyx. It is the first butt bone.
Dr. Nathan told me I had a spot, that could be cancer, on my sacrum that showed up on the PET scan.
"You mean to tell me I have breast cancer in my BUTT?" "You're kidding right?" I was not happy.
I continued, "You see- I have a herniated disc between the L-1 disc and the sacrum... I believe it is wear and tear on my lower back. I don't believe it is cancer. My back hurts all the time. I just live with it. Does the PET scan show injured areas??"
"Your PET scan was very pronounced. It shows all your cancer."
"You mean it showed up.... The cancer really showed up?"
"It is throughout both breasts and the lymph nodes under both arms and the lymph nodes under your clavicle (breast bones). " "You'll start Chemotherapy next Thursday, December 16th."
Side note: At this point after my surgery to put in the Port, PET scan and diagnosis. I am red and I mean red all over my left breast and up my neck. The surgical covering, aka tape... I am allergic to. I mean I am itching and scratching and not being very happy. Terry went to go get benedryl and hydrocortazone. Thank goodness. One more thing on the list of allergic reactions... surgical tape. ------more to come-----
Sunday, January 16, 2011
The Story: Part 19: The PET SCAN
Reminder: "The Story" is a continuation of the things I have been to from the beginning of November. We are still back in December. Hang in there......I am doing my best to catch up.... I will put random day to day thoughts and feelings in occasionally. Thanks for caring...
Terry, Jenni and I headed to imaging part of the hospital. This is the day after the surgery to put the port in me. We arrived and checked in. Within minutes they came for me. A very nice gentleman (tech) took me back to a room that was about 4' X 4'. There was a computer... a window (not see through just really a hole with a door, to the next room, oh and a big recliner chair for me).
The tech was convinced that he knew me. I went through all the avenues .... which I can't believe is quite long. No connection. He was never convinced that he didn't know me. I finally told him, "God did such a great job on me. He didn't break the mold. He just made more of me to go around. There are lots of me, or people who look like me just hanging around." He just laughed ...
After giving a lot of information, "again", the tech went into a room, the next room with a window to my room. He put on some heavy duty gloves, and with tongs reached into a big steel container and pulled out a vial. In the vial he put the solution into a syringe. The syringe was encased with a steel case as well. The tech locked up the container, turned off the lights and brought the syringe over to where I was sitting. I asked him, "Are you really going to inject that into me?" He was almost pleased about it. So--- he did inject a radioactive substance into me.
After receiving my injection-- I was put into Ob's... :) By myself and observed. The same tech brought me a 32 oz soda with another substance in it. I was to sit for the next hour and a half ... quiet, still, without movement. Not hard for me. I just fell asleep.
They then took me to the scan machine.. and took HOT pictures of me. :) The HOT parts refer to the cancer spots. They show up HOT... And you just thought I was Hot... Cool!
Results later.......
Terry, Jenni and I headed to imaging part of the hospital. This is the day after the surgery to put the port in me. We arrived and checked in. Within minutes they came for me. A very nice gentleman (tech) took me back to a room that was about 4' X 4'. There was a computer... a window (not see through just really a hole with a door, to the next room, oh and a big recliner chair for me).
The tech was convinced that he knew me. I went through all the avenues .... which I can't believe is quite long. No connection. He was never convinced that he didn't know me. I finally told him, "God did such a great job on me. He didn't break the mold. He just made more of me to go around. There are lots of me, or people who look like me just hanging around." He just laughed ...
After giving a lot of information, "again", the tech went into a room, the next room with a window to my room. He put on some heavy duty gloves, and with tongs reached into a big steel container and pulled out a vial. In the vial he put the solution into a syringe. The syringe was encased with a steel case as well. The tech locked up the container, turned off the lights and brought the syringe over to where I was sitting. I asked him, "Are you really going to inject that into me?" He was almost pleased about it. So--- he did inject a radioactive substance into me.
After receiving my injection-- I was put into Ob's... :) By myself and observed. The same tech brought me a 32 oz soda with another substance in it. I was to sit for the next hour and a half ... quiet, still, without movement. Not hard for me. I just fell asleep.
They then took me to the scan machine.. and took HOT pictures of me. :) The HOT parts refer to the cancer spots. They show up HOT... And you just thought I was Hot... Cool!
Results later.......
Friday, January 14, 2011
Today's update
With "The Story" I'm keeping you up on my entire cancer story as it happened and is happening. So we're back in December still.
I guess I need to update you on the happenings of today. I've had a tough week. I got a bit dehydrated and need to come in and get fluids. So I am sitting in the cancer lab getting fluid pumped into me. Not a bad way to spend a Friday afternoon. Thanks all for your comments, cares, and concerns. Very appreciated!!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
I guess I need to update you on the happenings of today. I've had a tough week. I got a bit dehydrated and need to come in and get fluids. So I am sitting in the cancer lab getting fluid pumped into me. Not a bad way to spend a Friday afternoon. Thanks all for your comments, cares, and concerns. Very appreciated!!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
The Story: Part 18: The Port
The Dr. scheduled the surgery for my port around noon. I had another ultra sound I needed to get complete for my kidneys the same day as the surgery. So I arrived with Jenni at the hospital around noon. "Bring your bladder full" they said. YIKES! Terry had meetings and said he would get there a little later. I registered at the arranged time. They lost me again.... I went to the wrong place again. These people have so many images of me in so many places you just can't keep them straight. "Bring your bladder full" they said. I was ready to have a HUGE accident. The hospital decided they would do the ultra sound on the kidneys. "Bring your bladder full"… Thank you for taking me. .....GO...... FINALLY I had never been so glad to make my bladder empty in my life.
After the kidney ultra sound, Jenni and I went down to a different end of the hospital and I registered for my surgery. Meanwhile, Jenni edited pictures for her photography business. She does such a wonderful job. Of course, I could be biased….No—I don’t think so. Here's the link to her blog: Silverstrand Photography Blog.
The nurses came to prep me about 2:00. I thought I’d be in soon. But- it took another two and a half hours to get me ready to take me in surgery. When Dr. Jennifer came in after the long wait, she said. “You know, you were a hard one to catch.” “What do you mean?” I responded. “ I took your CT scan, your ultra sound, your mammogram and your MRI to two different radiologists. I told them…. Okay—We know the cancer is there. Show it to me…. They couldn’t do it. They still after all of this could not see the cancer in any of these scans.” Dr. Jennifer continued, “I trust my life on these tests and scans, I have questions now.” I interjected, “But you trusted me Doc. You trusted me to KNOW that there was something wrong. Not only did you trust me, you listened to me.” So thanks!!
They finally took me in to surgery about 4:30 and I got finished about 7:30 that’s after recovery and everything. Here is a picture of the port and how it works. It is pretty cool.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
The Story: Part 17: The Cancer Center
Terry and I arrived at the Utah Valley Huntsman Cancer Center at about 4:00 in the afternoon. We were thinking we could go see the Dr. and be home by 5:00 of so.... NOT the case. We visited in detail about the possibilities of these cancers. Dr. Nathan is very point blank, no nonsense. He tells you the way it is, good, bad or indifferent. The Dr. needed to tell us all options. Dr. Jennifer scheduled surgery to have a port put in, for the next Wednesday. The Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scan was scheduled for the next day, Thursday. This scan lights up the cancer of abnormal cells like a Christmas tree. The surgery for the port first.........
The Story: Part 16: The Oncologist
Terry and I returned home that night a little unsettled. Why? When do we start all this? How long will it take? According to Dr. Jennifer, I would start Chemotherapy right away. My mind was a big blob...Not sure which way to turn or what to think? The phone rang about 8:30 p.m. it was the oncologist.
"Hi, Gloria this is Dr. Nathan. I just got a call from Dr. Jennifer. She explained your case to me. I want to make sure you're doing alright. I had an appointment scheduled for Monday. But, I would really like you to come in tomorrow afternoon if at all possible."
I thought, "What? A doctor calls my house to see if I'm okay?" "Man, I must be really sick or he really cares." I'm going with the second, he must really care.
Dr. Nathan visited with me for about five minutes. I told him I 'm a tough ole' gal. My mother was my idol and if she can go through what she went through I can go though this. This is just one more stepping stone, I will not go easily!! I plan on being here a very long time!! --more to come--
"Hi, Gloria this is Dr. Nathan. I just got a call from Dr. Jennifer. She explained your case to me. I want to make sure you're doing alright. I had an appointment scheduled for Monday. But, I would really like you to come in tomorrow afternoon if at all possible."
I thought, "What? A doctor calls my house to see if I'm okay?" "Man, I must be really sick or he really cares." I'm going with the second, he must really care.
Dr. Nathan visited with me for about five minutes. I told him I 'm a tough ole' gal. My mother was my idol and if she can go through what she went through I can go though this. This is just one more stepping stone, I will not go easily!! I plan on being here a very long time!! --more to come--
Monday, January 10, 2011
The Story: Part 15: More Cancer??
Terry and I were traveling home from work Wednesday. The doctors had changed my surgery from Monday the 13th to Friday the 10th. I had made the arrangements at work to make sure I had time off. When we got "The Call". The first thing Dr. Jennifer asked, "Are you in WalMart?" I told her no-- that we were driving home from work and I would put her on speaker phone so Terry could listen in as well. It was about 7:30 p.m. when we got the call. She began, "The results are back on your skin biopsy. It doesn't look good. There is a very aggressive cancer in the skin of your right breast." "If we go ahead and proceed with the current surgery it will spread throughout your body." " We needed to treat the cancer first." I responded, "Wait, wait wait, you're telling me I have two types of cancer? One in the left breast and another ON the right?" "Yes, that is what I'm saying." I was shocked to say the least. Words couldn't escape my mouth. For the first time in my life I was speechless. Dr. Jennifer told me that I needed to go through chemotherapy treatment, and then have a full mastectomy after that radiation. My mind was a whirlwind. I was not ready for all of this at the same time. The Dr. said that she had canceled all prior surgery. My next step was to meet with the oncologist and start chemo right away. ---more to come---
Sunday, January 9, 2011
The Story: Part 14: The Follow Up
On Tuesday of the next week, Terry and I went into Dr. Jennifer's office. She had scheduled surgery for the December 13th. "We'll remove the breasts and the lymph nodes and you can recover with in about 4 weeks.) "I am still having a problem with those swollen lymph nodes and with the thicken on your right breast. I really want to do a skin biopsy. We'll take a core sample of your breast and send it in. I spent more time with the radiologist and we both agree that the swelling must be coming from somewhere. Lets try this and see what comes of it", I agreed. Dr. Jennifer continued " I also want to do a test on you to check to see if you are a cancer carrier. It is a saliva test. Most insurances cover it. It will tell you if you are a carrier of cancer, and that will be good for all your relatives in the future to know as well." If I can prevent my children and grandchildren from going through what I am going through... "Go for it."
I changed into a gown and she numbed my breast for the skin biopsy. She took a pretty good core, and sent it to the lab.
I was still in a whirl wind knowing that I would be having surgery within a few weeks. The nurse came back in and gave me a bottle of $3000 scope. I swished it around in my mouth and spit it into a tube, several times. "Really, this can tell if I am a carrier of Cancer?" "Crazy!!"
The Dr. came in and told me she would have results as soon as possible and I would know very soon after. I thanked her and Terry and I went on our way. ---more results to come---
I changed into a gown and she numbed my breast for the skin biopsy. She took a pretty good core, and sent it to the lab.
I was still in a whirl wind knowing that I would be having surgery within a few weeks. The nurse came back in and gave me a bottle of $3000 scope. I swished it around in my mouth and spit it into a tube, several times. "Really, this can tell if I am a carrier of Cancer?" "Crazy!!"
The Dr. came in and told me she would have results as soon as possible and I would know very soon after. I thanked her and Terry and I went on our way. ---more results to come---
The Story: Part 13. The Testimony
Terry and I had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Family, Friends, and lots of rest. We both needed it. We went back on Saturday, because of a huge storm coming in. We had the opportunity to go to church the next day. I felt very blessed to have caught this cancer so early. I felt that the doctor did a great job in finding and sticking with my case.
On Sunday I choose to share the gratitude I felt in my heart with my church ward for my Savior. I bore my testimony sharing the love I have for God in this whole process. Some could be very bitter and blame God for bringing this nasty disease to them. I felt that this is just a stepping stone to get closer to Christ (as one friend put it). I am just a servant doing what God wants me to do. I will do, and be the best I can be, to make others, may family and myself a happier people.
I have personally felt God's love in my life, more than once. There are several occasions I witnessed miracles in my life as well. My mother is a walking miracle today. I look to her as an example of strength and courage. I know I will get through this whole process with HIS hands guiding the way. I but need to follow HIS plan and have faith on my own and through the faith and prayers of others. I can feel the strength each day from the prayers being offered on my behalf and on behalf of my family. I am blessed to know I have so many people who care about me and my family. Words can never express the love I have for you all. ---more to come---
On Sunday I choose to share the gratitude I felt in my heart with my church ward for my Savior. I bore my testimony sharing the love I have for God in this whole process. Some could be very bitter and blame God for bringing this nasty disease to them. I felt that this is just a stepping stone to get closer to Christ (as one friend put it). I am just a servant doing what God wants me to do. I will do, and be the best I can be, to make others, may family and myself a happier people.
I have personally felt God's love in my life, more than once. There are several occasions I witnessed miracles in my life as well. My mother is a walking miracle today. I look to her as an example of strength and courage. I know I will get through this whole process with HIS hands guiding the way. I but need to follow HIS plan and have faith on my own and through the faith and prayers of others. I can feel the strength each day from the prayers being offered on my behalf and on behalf of my family. I am blessed to know I have so many people who care about me and my family. Words can never express the love I have for you all. ---more to come---
Friday, January 7, 2011
The Story: Part 12 Thanksgiving
We got ready for Thanksgiving when we go back to mom and dads house. I had brought the ingredients for a Shrimp salad. We had celery to cut. Mom and I worked on the Turkey. A basic , typical pre-Thanksgiving night. In the back of my mind I kept thinking...Cancer... Cancer... Cancer.. Then mom got on the phone and started telling my brothers and sister. WOW! The emotions kicked in. Reality. It was a tough night for me. When we finally went to bed, poor Terry just held me, as I cried myself to sleep.
I hadn't told Jenni and Jared yet about the cancer. I was talking with Janell on the phone, who couldn't come for the day because of Brandon's work. I relayed the worry I had for Jen.. She was at her dad's now and I wanted to wait to tell her when she got there at the church. Janell wanted to tell her to ease the pain and give her support. She said. "Please mom, let me tell Jenni about the cancer, it will be better coming from me. Especially since she's at dads house." I agreed with her.
We got ready and drove to Thayne. Because of the large group we decided to have Thanksgiving dinner at the LDS Church house. We got there about 10:00 or so, lunch was at 12:00. Sherry had reserved the building. We decided that the kids to play basketball, volleyball, and boardgames, the adults could help with the meal and talk. It was a good plan.
We started right in on making our different entrees. Me with my salad, MarJean stuffing celery, Sherry dressing(for the turkey - silly - she was already dressed;)) and mom was so cute sitting on a chair in the middle of the kitchen giving directions.
About 11:00 Jenni and Jared came in. Jenni just grabbed me started to cry. Then I started to cry. "I'm sorry Jenni, I just had the hardest time telling you. I was so scared for you. I wish I could take it all away." We just sat there and cried and cried." Jared came and and gave me a hug. "I'm glad she has you Jared. We love you both very much" "You know I couldn't tell you last night while you were driving. It would have been a mess... I didn't even know if you had tissues or not." Jared agreed.
I found it interesting to myself how each of my bothers and sisters handled the news of the cancer. Sherry, the go getter, was very matter of fact, as if this was part of life and we all have trials for our good. She said more than once that is was not about me, but for the rest of the family to grow and learn. Lee, lost his sweetheart several years ago to breast cancer. He wasn't there for Thanksgiving but was serving his wonderful family for the day or our numbers would be in the 60's. MarJean, the LPN nurse, was very clinical. She wanted to know what, when, where and why. Danny, just came and gave me a bear hug and said, "We're behind you 100%. Vance, the quiet one of the family, being the youngest he can't get a word in edgewise, was just quiet. I felt if he didn't talk about it--it wasn't there. My sister-in-laws were amazing. It wasn't the topic of conversation for the the most part. I retold my story and that was the end of that.
The food was fantastic. The family family was amazing and then we made gingerbread houses. What a great day..... more to come........
I hadn't told Jenni and Jared yet about the cancer. I was talking with Janell on the phone, who couldn't come for the day because of Brandon's work. I relayed the worry I had for Jen.. She was at her dad's now and I wanted to wait to tell her when she got there at the church. Janell wanted to tell her to ease the pain and give her support. She said. "Please mom, let me tell Jenni about the cancer, it will be better coming from me. Especially since she's at dads house." I agreed with her.
We got ready and drove to Thayne. Because of the large group we decided to have Thanksgiving dinner at the LDS Church house. We got there about 10:00 or so, lunch was at 12:00. Sherry had reserved the building. We decided that the kids to play basketball, volleyball, and boardgames, the adults could help with the meal and talk. It was a good plan.
We started right in on making our different entrees. Me with my salad, MarJean stuffing celery, Sherry dressing(for the turkey - silly - she was already dressed;)) and mom was so cute sitting on a chair in the middle of the kitchen giving directions.
About 11:00 Jenni and Jared came in. Jenni just grabbed me started to cry. Then I started to cry. "I'm sorry Jenni, I just had the hardest time telling you. I was so scared for you. I wish I could take it all away." We just sat there and cried and cried." Jared came and and gave me a hug. "I'm glad she has you Jared. We love you both very much" "You know I couldn't tell you last night while you were driving. It would have been a mess... I didn't even know if you had tissues or not." Jared agreed.
I found it interesting to myself how each of my bothers and sisters handled the news of the cancer. Sherry, the go getter, was very matter of fact, as if this was part of life and we all have trials for our good. She said more than once that is was not about me, but for the rest of the family to grow and learn. Lee, lost his sweetheart several years ago to breast cancer. He wasn't there for Thanksgiving but was serving his wonderful family for the day or our numbers would be in the 60's. MarJean, the LPN nurse, was very clinical. She wanted to know what, when, where and why. Danny, just came and gave me a bear hug and said, "We're behind you 100%. Vance, the quiet one of the family, being the youngest he can't get a word in edgewise, was just quiet. I felt if he didn't talk about it--it wasn't there. My sister-in-laws were amazing. It wasn't the topic of conversation for the the most part. I retold my story and that was the end of that.
The food was fantastic. The family family was amazing and then we made gingerbread houses. What a great day..... more to come........
Thursday, January 6, 2011
The Story: Part 11 Meeting My Parents, @ Pizza Hut
Terry and I switched drivers off and on, all the way to Afton. Sometimes, I would just break out in tears. Terry was a huge comfort to me. I am so glad he is in my life. I Love him so much.
When we get cell phone service back, (Smoot) we called Mom and Dad. MarJean was there and they all wanted to meet at Pizza Hut. I was all for it.
Terry and I got there first. I told Terry that I really didn't want to talk about any of this in public. I would break down, I was sure of that. So he took on the "HERO PROTECTOR ROLE." We ordered for all of us and waited for the threesome to arrive.
Mom, Dad and MarJean came and we talked for a few minutes, ate our salad and Pizza. MarJean asked how my results were and if they had come back yet. My "Hero Protector" came in and said we would talk about it when we got back to mom and dad's house. Well that gave dad the cue to "Bring it on." He knew that things were not good. MarJean again being a LPN (nurse) said.."So it's back huh?" The waterworks began once again. My hero said "I think it would be better if we just talk about it at the house." Thirty questions started at me. I squeezed Terry's hand and gave him the look of it will be Okay!
I explain what had happened on the way here and the responses were interesting to say the least. "Looks like another doctor or two needs to pay their mortgage." "The really don't know for sure. right?" " Actually, there is a lot they can do with cancer now" "I've been there, you'll be alright" "D*@%. doctors." were the responses of my family. I responded with "At least they found it early hopefully. They'll just do the surgery and it will be done. It should take care of it. Beside, I have Terry to take care of me."
It was over telling the family. I don't know why I get told or tell people in public places. My first bout of cancer I was in Target when I was told. This one Walmart, and now my parents and sister, Pizza Hut. I need to stay away from these places..... more to come........
When we get cell phone service back, (Smoot) we called Mom and Dad. MarJean was there and they all wanted to meet at Pizza Hut. I was all for it.
Terry and I got there first. I told Terry that I really didn't want to talk about any of this in public. I would break down, I was sure of that. So he took on the "HERO PROTECTOR ROLE." We ordered for all of us and waited for the threesome to arrive.
Mom, Dad and MarJean came and we talked for a few minutes, ate our salad and Pizza. MarJean asked how my results were and if they had come back yet. My "Hero Protector" came in and said we would talk about it when we got back to mom and dad's house. Well that gave dad the cue to "Bring it on." He knew that things were not good. MarJean again being a LPN (nurse) said.."So it's back huh?" The waterworks began once again. My hero said "I think it would be better if we just talk about it at the house." Thirty questions started at me. I squeezed Terry's hand and gave him the look of it will be Okay!
I explain what had happened on the way here and the responses were interesting to say the least. "Looks like another doctor or two needs to pay their mortgage." "The really don't know for sure. right?" " Actually, there is a lot they can do with cancer now" "I've been there, you'll be alright" "D*@%. doctors." were the responses of my family. I responded with "At least they found it early hopefully. They'll just do the surgery and it will be done. It should take care of it. Beside, I have Terry to take care of me."
It was over telling the family. I don't know why I get told or tell people in public places. My first bout of cancer I was in Target when I was told. This one Walmart, and now my parents and sister, Pizza Hut. I need to stay away from these places..... more to come........
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Hey Those are MY WIGS!!
What a good sport to make Grandma- and Mom strong. Thanks Brickman and Jenni for having so much fun with me putting on my wigs........
Brickman styling one of Grandma Glori's Wigs
Jenni looking like shes straight out of Wyoming, Mullot and all.... that is her hair on the bottom and mine on the top... she's lookin' good....
Brickman styling one of Grandma Glori's Wigs
This wig that Brickman is sporting is when I am feeling very old... What do you think?? He wears is well!! so cute bud!! Thanks for making Grandma Glori Strong!!
More Christmas Pics
Christmas Pics
Pictures in order
Grandpa Haskell (aka POO) watching a movie.
POO watching another movie, and if you notice he's snoring....
POO and Grandpa Terry watching a movie (Like father like son)
Brandon, Teagan, Janell and Brickman in their Christmas PJ's.
The Story: Part 10 Leaving WalMart, Knowing.....
The Dr. tried to be reassuring, saying, "I am glad you were proactive and I want to see you next week. Tuesday, my nurse will call for an appointment. Gloria try to have a good Thanksgiving with your family."
Terry and I left WalMart in Evanston, knowing that my cancer was back. Does the word DEVASTATED MEAN, anything to you. I was crying, "It's not fair!" I screamed. We got in the car and just sat there, in Shock!! "Gloria, we have to call your girls and let them know." "Your daughters need to know." Terry explained. "I can't call Jenni, she's driving she'll be a mess." "I can't call Jenni!! Not yet!" I blubbered through the tears. Jenni was going to Star Valley for Thanksgiving as well. She was about an hour behind us. "Okay, then I'll call Janell."
Terry made the call to Janell and explained that sure enough her mom had cancer. Janell, was so strong. She told Terry and I, "Mom, Dad we have to be strong and get through this." "If anyone can get though this you can mom." I asked her where she was. "I am Debbie and Kraig's" she said. "Will you do me a favor, and ask Debbie to give you a Mom hug!!" " I love you so much!"
I got myself under control and we left the WalMart. As we were driving I looked in the rear view mirror.. "Hey Terry, Lee is following us." "No he's not" "I think it's Lee!" "What would your brother be doing in Evanston in a snowstorm?" "I don't know but that is LEE, but that's not Erica with him?!!" We came to a stop light and I opened the drivers door and put my head out the side and stuck my tongue out at him. "I sure hope that's Lee."
Sure enough he drove up next to us and unrolled his window. "What are you doing? You crazy brother" He was bringing Daryl's wife Chelsey's family to Star Valley for Thanksgiving with his family. It was so ironic to see my brother, I needed his smile to get me through the next few hours. ....more to come
Terry and I left WalMart in Evanston, knowing that my cancer was back. Does the word DEVASTATED MEAN, anything to you. I was crying, "It's not fair!" I screamed. We got in the car and just sat there, in Shock!! "Gloria, we have to call your girls and let them know." "Your daughters need to know." Terry explained. "I can't call Jenni, she's driving she'll be a mess." "I can't call Jenni!! Not yet!" I blubbered through the tears. Jenni was going to Star Valley for Thanksgiving as well. She was about an hour behind us. "Okay, then I'll call Janell."
Terry made the call to Janell and explained that sure enough her mom had cancer. Janell, was so strong. She told Terry and I, "Mom, Dad we have to be strong and get through this." "If anyone can get though this you can mom." I asked her where she was. "I am Debbie and Kraig's" she said. "Will you do me a favor, and ask Debbie to give you a Mom hug!!" " I love you so much!"
I got myself under control and we left the WalMart. As we were driving I looked in the rear view mirror.. "Hey Terry, Lee is following us." "No he's not" "I think it's Lee!" "What would your brother be doing in Evanston in a snowstorm?" "I don't know but that is LEE, but that's not Erica with him?!!" We came to a stop light and I opened the drivers door and put my head out the side and stuck my tongue out at him. "I sure hope that's Lee."
Sure enough he drove up next to us and unrolled his window. "What are you doing? You crazy brother" He was bringing Daryl's wife Chelsey's family to Star Valley for Thanksgiving with his family. It was so ironic to see my brother, I needed his smile to get me through the next few hours. ....more to come
Monday, January 3, 2011
The Story Part 9- Your Cancer is Back
Terry and I decided we needed to get of of DODGE.... for Thanksgiving. We left for Star Valley on Wednesday afternoon. I just wanted to spend time with my family. My entire family was hopefully going to be together. I drove to Evanston, and we decided to stop at WalMart to take a potty break and there might be some pre-Christmas sales.... I was checking out the little boy outfits for our grandson when my phone rang. Terry says, "That's weird your mom, Janell and Jenni just called right before we got here....." then he laughed. I answered the phone and it was Dr. Jennifer. She asked me if it was okay to talk. I (of course) said sure..... I walked into the men's section of the store. (there is never any shoppers in the men's section). She continued to tell me, "Gloria I got the results back from the biopsy. It's not good. Your cancer is back." Tears immediately filled my eyes. "We are going to be very aggressive with it. You know you can't have radiation on that breast again right." I said "yes". She continued, " I want to see you in my office on Tuesday. Please, try to have a good Thanksgiving." " I am so sorry for the news but I knew you should know right away." I just stood there in shock for several minutes. ............
Sunday, January 2, 2011
The Story Part 8-The Needle Biopsy
I'm not sure if anyone reading has had a needle biopsy before, but I had one with my first bout of cancer. I sat at a mammogram with my breast immobilized. It felt like a sewing machine was coming at me. NOT FUN AT ALL. I was expecting the worse this time as well.
We arrived at the AF Hospital showing up early for my appointment. I had pre-registered the day before. The woman on the other end of the phone told me to go to the same place as you went before. So, the last place I had been was AF Hospital. Well, they couldn't find the appointment at AF Hospital. The receptionist made a few calls, come to find out I should be at the UV Hospital only a half hour away, if I drive. Forty five minutes if Terry drives. Guess who drove. I am so glad I didn't break any laws.... I did go the speed limit. I did make it in 28 minutes. They called ahead and told them what had happened. Some of their other patients, who were early as well went in my place. They worked them in and then it was my turn.
The needle biopsy machine is one that you lay flat on your stomach. Like the MRI, I got to put my breast into a hole. At least this one was round. They numbed me well. They took several cores from my breast and sent them to the lab. I was there for about an hour. After the biopsy they did another mammogram. Basically, they just cut me open and they tried to squeeze me. Not sure of their procedures. I guess there is method to their madness.. Tomorrow -- the diagnosis.
We arrived at the AF Hospital showing up early for my appointment. I had pre-registered the day before. The woman on the other end of the phone told me to go to the same place as you went before. So, the last place I had been was AF Hospital. Well, they couldn't find the appointment at AF Hospital. The receptionist made a few calls, come to find out I should be at the UV Hospital only a half hour away, if I drive. Forty five minutes if Terry drives. Guess who drove. I am so glad I didn't break any laws.... I did go the speed limit. I did make it in 28 minutes. They called ahead and told them what had happened. Some of their other patients, who were early as well went in my place. They worked them in and then it was my turn.
The needle biopsy machine is one that you lay flat on your stomach. Like the MRI, I got to put my breast into a hole. At least this one was round. They numbed me well. They took several cores from my breast and sent them to the lab. I was there for about an hour. After the biopsy they did another mammogram. Basically, they just cut me open and they tried to squeeze me. Not sure of their procedures. I guess there is method to their madness.. Tomorrow -- the diagnosis.
The Story Part 7-Back to the Dr. Office for Updates
After the marathon tests on Friday, I went to my appointment to see my Dr. on Monday. She said she just didn't feel good about what the radiologist said that we should wait six months. She contacted another radiologist and they went over my files over the weekend. It's good to have Dr.'s on your side.... They both agreed since I had had cancer seven years ago in the same breast.... I probably needed a biopsy. --Just to make sure. --I agreed with them fully. I still had pain in my lymph nodes and it was unexplained. She scheduled the needle biopsy for the following day. more to come....
The Story Part 6-The One Day Marathon of TESTS
The three of us (Terry, the Dr. and me) decided that it would be best to have a "floor plan or blueprint" if you will, of my body so the Dr. knew what to expect before I got to go under the knife. So the CT scan, mammogram and Ultrasound were scheduled - - All on the same day (it was the Friday before Thanksgiving). I arrived at the hospital, fasting. Had blood drawn for another test. The lab tech came to the waiting room to give me my radioactive cocktail breakfast shake. I drank two bottles of this gross chalky tasting substance. Okay, it wasn't that bad.... I waited with Terry in the waiting room for about an hour and a half. Tried to unplug the computer at one point and got shocked..... That radioactive stuff really works.
TEST #1 THE CT: The first test was the CT scan. Dr. Jennifer ordered a full body scan (trunk) so she could find out what was going on in the lymph nodes as well. I finally went back to the scanning room. I was greeted by two big burley dudes. I laid down on the slab and they hooked me to an IV for more internal scanning. The test only took 10 minutes. It was something from a science fiction movie. The only problem---- I had to raise me arms above my head at the end of the scan. When I raised my arms the tubing wasn't long enough or leaked or something.... Because the IV squirted the juice all over my clothes and face. Not FUN..... FUNNY....but NOT fun. The lab dudes said that I would have results with a few days.
TEST#2 THE MAMMOGRAM: I left one part of the hospital and was directed to go to another part of the hospital. I changed into a gown that fit and opened from the front... JOY (you know what I mean if you've had a mammogram or if you're a woman). Then comes the "Sit and wait" mode. Terry was getting a lot of work done, supporting his wife and typing away on something. They called me to the Lab room and they took the mammogram. A squeezing experience. The tech was very nice and very supportive. She told me the Radiologist would let me know what he saw before I left today. I thought "cool"... To the next test.....
TEST #3 THE ULTRASOUND: The imaging portions of the hospital are together in the hospital. So I didn't have to go far for my ultrasound. In fact they got me right in. They pour this warm goop all over the skin before being tested. Just so happens that it was my breasts being tested remember..... GROSS again! They checked out both breasts including lymph nodes again with a rolley wand type contraption. (It reminds me of a computer mouse) The tech didn't talk much... She was all about business. When she was finished, she told me to wipe off the goop and get dressed.
THE VERBAL RESULTS: The mammogram tech came out had told me that the radiologist saw two tiny calcium deposits in the left breast. She told me the doctor said to come back in Six months. In six months they would see if anything had changed. I thought to myself... Cool- Six months is good. Please hang in there for the rest of the story... you know there's more.
TEST #1 THE CT: The first test was the CT scan. Dr. Jennifer ordered a full body scan (trunk) so she could find out what was going on in the lymph nodes as well. I finally went back to the scanning room. I was greeted by two big burley dudes. I laid down on the slab and they hooked me to an IV for more internal scanning. The test only took 10 minutes. It was something from a science fiction movie. The only problem---- I had to raise me arms above my head at the end of the scan. When I raised my arms the tubing wasn't long enough or leaked or something.... Because the IV squirted the juice all over my clothes and face. Not FUN..... FUNNY....but NOT fun. The lab dudes said that I would have results with a few days.
TEST#2 THE MAMMOGRAM: I left one part of the hospital and was directed to go to another part of the hospital. I changed into a gown that fit and opened from the front... JOY (you know what I mean if you've had a mammogram or if you're a woman). Then comes the "Sit and wait" mode. Terry was getting a lot of work done, supporting his wife and typing away on something. They called me to the Lab room and they took the mammogram. A squeezing experience. The tech was very nice and very supportive. She told me the Radiologist would let me know what he saw before I left today. I thought "cool"... To the next test.....
TEST #3 THE ULTRASOUND: The imaging portions of the hospital are together in the hospital. So I didn't have to go far for my ultrasound. In fact they got me right in. They pour this warm goop all over the skin before being tested. Just so happens that it was my breasts being tested remember..... GROSS again! They checked out both breasts including lymph nodes again with a rolley wand type contraption. (It reminds me of a computer mouse) The tech didn't talk much... She was all about business. When she was finished, she told me to wipe off the goop and get dressed.
THE VERBAL RESULTS: The mammogram tech came out had told me that the radiologist saw two tiny calcium deposits in the left breast. She told me the doctor said to come back in Six months. In six months they would see if anything had changed. I thought to myself... Cool- Six months is good. Please hang in there for the rest of the story... you know there's more.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
The Haircut!!
Brickman was brave for his Grandma Glori. He shaved his head so Grandma Glori wouldn't be so scared! Thank you Brickman for being brave for me!! Love you!!
These are before ---During, YIKES-- I had to take my turn---and after....
My sweet daughter Janell, her kids Brickman and Teagan came today.
We went to "Tangled", we need a movie with hair because, before the movie, we shaved our heads. My hair has been falling out for the last few day. Handfuls of hair..... it was very depressing. So, we figured that we would take charge of the cancer. It will not take my hair... I will take my own hair. The picture are the best, and say it all. Nice head huh?? I guess Terry was right, the older you get, the more you start looking like your spouse. I just didn't know it would be me looking like him. hee hee!!
The Story Part 5-The Surgeon
Because I don't have her permission to use her full name, I'll just call the Surgeon Jennifer, or Dr. Jennifer.
An appointment was made for me the second week in November 2010. I arrived at the Dr. Jennifer's office with Terry.
(Suggestion to all who may ever go through this or any Medical procedure.... Keep a notebook or paper with all medical past surgeries, family medical history, any medication, type, dose and how often taken. It will save a lot of brain stress and recall. I wish I would have done this.)
Terry and I waited for a while- then both of us were called back to an office. I wasn't sure what to expect. I was anxious, when I get anxious I get silly. While we waited, Terry and I joked about having horses in back window. We were on the third floor, but outside the window the horses were having a great lunch.
The assistant came in and I gave her the history of my medical life. (the notebook would have been handy.) They brought in another ultra sound machine. After about 20 minutes Dr. came in. I gave her my history again, filling any gaps she didn't get from her assistant. After she was finished talking with Terry and I, she seem puzzled to me. You could see the cogs in her brain turning-- wondering what she should do with me. She then took another ultrasound to see if she could see something different from the lab. Her machine wasn't as good as the other from the hospital. she asked if I had had a mammogram in the last year. It told her NO, just the MRI. She decided, that she needed a floor plan of my body before she started carving on it. She also said she needed to research my case more in depth. I told her about the first ultra sound I had and how rude the tech was, I told her that my file was just LOST. She sent her assistant out to go find anything from the hospital internal network. Sure enough the assistant brought a copy of the ultrasound, she found it and it stated I needed an MRI a YEAR ago. Frustration!! She made me a copy for my files and ordered a CT scan, mammogram and Ultrasound to be done that week. She told me she wanted to see me within the next week. We would then recap the results. more to come........
An appointment was made for me the second week in November 2010. I arrived at the Dr. Jennifer's office with Terry.
(Suggestion to all who may ever go through this or any Medical procedure.... Keep a notebook or paper with all medical past surgeries, family medical history, any medication, type, dose and how often taken. It will save a lot of brain stress and recall. I wish I would have done this.)
Terry and I waited for a while- then both of us were called back to an office. I wasn't sure what to expect. I was anxious, when I get anxious I get silly. While we waited, Terry and I joked about having horses in back window. We were on the third floor, but outside the window the horses were having a great lunch.
The assistant came in and I gave her the history of my medical life. (the notebook would have been handy.) They brought in another ultra sound machine. After about 20 minutes Dr. came in. I gave her my history again, filling any gaps she didn't get from her assistant. After she was finished talking with Terry and I, she seem puzzled to me. You could see the cogs in her brain turning-- wondering what she should do with me. She then took another ultrasound to see if she could see something different from the lab. Her machine wasn't as good as the other from the hospital. she asked if I had had a mammogram in the last year. It told her NO, just the MRI. She decided, that she needed a floor plan of my body before she started carving on it. She also said she needed to research my case more in depth. I told her about the first ultra sound I had and how rude the tech was, I told her that my file was just LOST. She sent her assistant out to go find anything from the hospital internal network. Sure enough the assistant brought a copy of the ultrasound, she found it and it stated I needed an MRI a YEAR ago. Frustration!! She made me a copy for my files and ordered a CT scan, mammogram and Ultrasound to be done that week. She told me she wanted to see me within the next week. We would then recap the results. more to come........
The Story Part 4- the Lymph Node Ultrasound
When the results came back from the MRI, they said my lymph nodes had grown to 2 1/2 centimeters under my left arm. My Dr. sent me to get an Ultrasound to get more information. So-- Once again I went to go get an Ultrasound. The lab tech only took pictures of the lymph nodes under my left arm and right arm. As far as the lymph nodes under the right arm,
she said, "These nodes looked health and the cortex resembled a healthy node. The nodes looked like typical healthy textbook nodes. They are swollen to about 2 centimeters, but look very healthy."
"What could cause the swelling," I replied.
"It could be as simple as common cold." she said.
"For an entire year?" I responded. "Weird".
Then she went to the left arm..... I had told the tech how big the MRI had revealed my lymph node was. She told me that would be milometers not centimeters. I didn't want to argue with her. (Ya know, I really do know by own body. Listen) I figured that she would see what the MRI revealed, when she got it on the screen. Sure enough---when checking the left arm they had a hard time finding it. It was deep into the muscle-growing-putting pressure on the nerves and yes just larger that 2 1/2 centimeters. It was dark, and she didn't make comment on it looking healthy at all. In fact she didn't say much of anything after that point. She brought in the radiologist and he look at the images.
He looked at me and said..."You need to see a surgeon."
I said, "Who, is the best in your opinion. Can you give me him/her?"
"Yes," he said.
He gave me the name of a surgeon. Jennifer is one of the best. He told me he would make the arrangements. I thought to myself "great here we go" .... I had no idea...... to be continued.
she said, "These nodes looked health and the cortex resembled a healthy node. The nodes looked like typical healthy textbook nodes. They are swollen to about 2 centimeters, but look very healthy."
"What could cause the swelling," I replied.
"It could be as simple as common cold." she said.
"For an entire year?" I responded. "Weird".
Then she went to the left arm..... I had told the tech how big the MRI had revealed my lymph node was. She told me that would be milometers not centimeters. I didn't want to argue with her. (Ya know, I really do know by own body. Listen) I figured that she would see what the MRI revealed, when she got it on the screen. Sure enough---when checking the left arm they had a hard time finding it. It was deep into the muscle-growing-putting pressure on the nerves and yes just larger that 2 1/2 centimeters. It was dark, and she didn't make comment on it looking healthy at all. In fact she didn't say much of anything after that point. She brought in the radiologist and he look at the images.
He looked at me and said..."You need to see a surgeon."
I said, "Who, is the best in your opinion. Can you give me him/her?"
"Yes," he said.
He gave me the name of a surgeon. Jennifer is one of the best. He told me he would make the arrangements. I thought to myself "great here we go" .... I had no idea...... to be continued.
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