Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Story Part 5-The Surgeon

Because I don't have her permission to use her full name, I'll just call the Surgeon Jennifer, or Dr. Jennifer.
An appointment was made for me the second week in November 2010. I arrived at the Dr. Jennifer's office with Terry.

(Suggestion to all who may ever go through this or any Medical procedure.... Keep a notebook or paper with all medical past surgeries, family medical history, any medication, type, dose and how often taken. It will save a lot of brain stress and recall. I wish I would have done this.)

Terry and I waited for a while- then both of us were called back to an office. I wasn't sure what to expect. I was anxious, when I get anxious I get silly. While we waited, Terry and I joked about having horses in back window. We were on the third floor, but outside the window the horses were having a great lunch.
The assistant came in and I gave her the history of my medical life. (the notebook would have been handy.) They brought in another ultra sound machine. After about 20 minutes Dr. came in. I gave her my history again, filling any gaps she didn't get from her assistant. After she was finished talking with Terry and I, she seem puzzled to me. You could see the cogs in her brain turning-- wondering what she should do with me. She then took another ultrasound to see if she could see something different from the lab. Her machine wasn't as good as the other from the hospital. she asked if I had had a mammogram in the last year. It told her NO, just the MRI. She decided, that she needed a floor plan of my body before she started carving on it. She also said she needed to research my case more in depth. I told her about the first ultra sound I had and how rude the tech was, I told her that my file was just LOST. She sent her assistant out to go find anything from the hospital internal network. Sure enough the assistant brought a copy of the ultrasound, she found it and it stated I needed an MRI a YEAR ago. Frustration!! She made me a copy for my files and ordered a CT scan, mammogram and Ultrasound to be done that week. She told me she wanted to see me within the next week. We would then recap the results. more to come........