Wednesday, May 11, 2011


We met my Jenni so that she could stay and give me a ride back from the MRI becase Terry had a meeting he had to go to. We waited over an hour and a half to get into the MRI.

The MRI was to see if I had cancer in the Liver. So they strapped me down and put me in the machine. I kept my eyes shut because I'm extremely clostrophobic. (I didn't want them to know that). :) I also was getting over a cold, that Terry gave me the week before so I had a hard time breathing. That's all the MRI really is - is breathing. "Breathe in, hold your breath for 30 seconds. Breathe in, hold your breath for 40 seconds." After about 2 & 1/2 hours of eye shutting experience, I got finished with the MRI and then I had to wait for the results.

Cancer? or Blood Vessels that have pooled together?