Thursday, June 30, 2011

Picture to make you laugh!!

I have been given--wigs-hats-scarfs anything to cover my head. Notice the eyelashes are gone and eyebrows as well. By the way they have grown and are growing back.
After my first surgery in May, Sherry came to see me and took these pictures. Not looking to bad a couple days after having your breasts removed huh!! These just make me laugh!! They make Sherry die laughing, she couldn't stop. So - Please ENJOY! Oh- FYI Halloween is only a few months away... Let me know how I can help :)


Teresa said...

You are just too cute -I am laughing my guts out - you are one funny lady. I love the humor and the attitude. Let me know when you're in Morgan again. Love ya!

Emmie's Hidden Floral said...

I love all of those pictures especially the spikey hair wig!! That's my favorite of course!! You look amazing!!

BuddyandJanell said...

I love all of your hats and you are right you have a lot of them. Jenni and I will just get the hats when you are finished with them. Keep up the smiles. You are helping everyone with them. Love you mom!!

Just a ranch girl said...

I love the reddish one with the cool flower!! You are amazing. Your smile just brightened my day!!
Love you and thinking of you everyday
Shauna Worton Whiteside

Elizabeth said...

You make me laugh.... I wish I still lived by you so I could be there to help you and make you really yummy broccoli cheese soup.