Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Snap dragons

Flowers have always been a part of my life. I remember my Grandma Erma had the most beautiful flower garden in the front of her yard every year. You could look over a sea of purple petunias.
Last summer I had the most amazing snap-dragon flower garden you’ve ever seen in my front yard. Somehow-from the time I got this cancer, I have related my cancer to my flower garden. I know it sounds crazy but… that is what I have done. Last December after I found out that I had cancer I was in my garden trimming down the snap-dragons. The thought came into my mind that I would not ever see my flower garden again. The thought came into my mind and then left again. I really didn’t think about it again until spring.
Jenni was helping me trim up my snap-dragons and preparing my garden for spring and summer. She came across a fern type plant in my garden. It was quite pretty. I just didn’t like the looks of the fern. I told her I didn’t want it in my garden. She tried to dig it out. The roots on this plant were unbelievable. The twisted and turned below the surface of the ground. It had the longest roots I have ever seen on a plant. One root was about two feet long. I told Jenni that this was a cancer plant trying to kill my flowers. It twisted around to roots of my snap-dragon and started killing them off.
When Terry and I drove into our yard one day I saw my flower garden. The snap-dragons in my garden were starting to die. I broke down into tears. Poor Terry, didn’t know what to do. I went into the house as just sobbed and sobbed. Call it my breakdown. I felt like my life was spinning out of control.
Terry trimmed my snap dragons. He took the weed out of the garden the best he could. I was surprised he didn’t go and plant an entire garden of new snap dragons in my garden. He is a wonderful husband. He cares about my feeling and what is going on in my life. He takes care of me and makes sure I am safe. I feel so bad sometimes that this “WEED” is in my life right now. I truly believe it will be put under control. I just need a little weed killer. That is where the radiation and chemo comes in. They are doing the job they need to right now .
I know it is crazy like I said before that I have put this stupid cancer into a metaphor with my snap dragon garden. But that is the way my crazy mind works.


The Walkers said...

I have often thought as I have pulled field vine weed (Morning Glory) out of our gardens that it is much like the trials in our life. We work and work to get it out of our gardens and they just keep coming back until we get some powerful weed killer to take care of them. Your metaphor on the weeds and flowers is wonderful. Your are amazing. Just keep killing those weeds. We are all praying for you!!!