Saturday, March 31, 2012


Just an FYI: White Blood count is low.... Red Count Low.... Endemic.... Platelets Low... Yeast infection, and Thrush.. YUCK!! Not have a very good week. I am having blood drawn each day to make sure I don't need a blood transfusion. YIKES!! Need to stay home.. REST and stay away from people. Guess --that is my job for the next while to make sure I do just that. Has anyone seen any good movies... Just kidding. I'll just be a good girl and rest!

Good Bye to a Very Special Man

Almon Haskell Richardson (Terry's Dad) passed away on Monday March 26. He was admitted to the hospital for the first time in his life on February 14. He went in again on the 21st for quintuple bypass surgery. He had four surgeries in two weeks. He was planning on going home on Tuesday. He told Terry on Sunday evening that his was going home "tomorrow." We just didn't know that his was going home to his sweet wife Betty and our Heavenly Father and not to us. We will truly miss our sweet Haskell "aka Poo".

I am so proud of my sweetheart Terry for putting together his dad's memorial service and taking care of his dad's personal items this past week. He did an incredible job. I love him so much.

Until we meet again our sweet Haskell. We love you!!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Cali's Announcement

This is my granddaughter. Her mom Jenni made the announcement and took the pictures. love my girls. This is what make me HAPPY.

Round Two of three

Had second round of chemo Thursday. Nurses tell me ill lose my hair again. Pretty tired, WBC low, anemic, but feeling much better than last week. I'm trying a NEW hairdo this morning. Before it falls out.
This CANCER.Sticks and I just don't like feeling sick!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Do I have to go to the hospital again??

This has been my few the past three days. The 7th floor of Ut Valley hospital. I started chemo again last Thursday. Sometimes I think the nurses get so numb to what they do all day they forget YOU! So-they didn't send me home with the need prescriptions to fight off infections -nausea etc. Needless to say I was one sick girl. Fever-and sick-oh so sick. On Monday I was admitted. Had a great doctor in the hospital. He told me it wasn't fair I had to go through all this. TRUE--but--and I had him look out the window. (The pic). "Look out that window". I said. "What do you see??". "Well- I see a beautiful snow. covered mountains that GOD gave us. Blue skies, and an amazing day" "It's all in the perspective." "Some people probably drive home at night and haven't even noticed it ". Today my doctor said he looked at the mountains a little differently because of what I had said. He told me that it still isn't fair I have cancer but that I was one who does help others look at the BIG picture. I cried! So-- its a beautiful day I'm grateful to see it!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Just a thought!!

Love this. Jenni. Sent it to me!! WOW

More Chemo

This will be MY view for rhe next few weeks. Looks like the CANCER has grown in the LIVER. Dang it! Back to the chemo room! You never know what life will throw you!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Administrator of the Year??

I received the most amazing letter from Utah State University on Thursday, March 8th.
"Dear Gloria,
The HPER Department is recognizing you as the K12 Alumni Administrator of the Year!! :) We want to recognize your work at the Provo Canyon School."
I can't believe it.
I am so humbled.
I am so grateful.


I have felt better in the past few months than I have in a very long time. I got the catheter out of my plural cavity on the 28th on February. **I won't miss that crazy thing.** The levels in my mind looked very good. I didn't have it drained for three days and it only produced less then 25 ml. I think that is pretty good...
My Oncologist felt as if I needed to go to the Huntsman Cancer Center in Salt Lake to get tested. I met with Dr. Hung Khong a research Dr. He is incredibly intelligent. I went on the 8th of March to get checked out. He ordered a PET scan which I had the next Wednesday.
PET scans always make me LAUGH. They started off on Wednesday by starting 50 minutes late. I was a bit frustrated. I finally asked if they had lost me and they told me yes they had. I went into a room and they gave me some radioactive substance that the tech must put into a steel base so he won't get it into "his" system. Yet I am having it injected into me. Doesn't make much sense. The tech then took me into a dark room, and gave me a diet root beer with more radioactive material spiking it. After sitting in the room for over an hour they took the scans.
If anyone has NOT had contrast given to them--let's just say--it is a WARM and FUZZY feeling!!
I went to Dr. Clark and he showed Terry and I the scan unoffical-results. I am very impressed. Not sure what the official scan says..... But-- I am impressed. The T-4 vertebrae cancer is not active. The spot on the sacrum is the same as it was on Nov 30th. The fluid in the lungs is down substantially. The spot in the liver, seems to be smaller. Can't wait to get the OFFICIAL report!!