Saturday, March 31, 2012


Just an FYI: White Blood count is low.... Red Count Low.... Endemic.... Platelets Low... Yeast infection, and Thrush.. YUCK!! Not have a very good week. I am having blood drawn each day to make sure I don't need a blood transfusion. YIKES!! Need to stay home.. REST and stay away from people. Guess --that is my job for the next while to make sure I do just that. Has anyone seen any good movies... Just kidding. I'll just be a good girl and rest!


Jenni said...

Stupid Cancer! grrrr. Love you mom! We'll have to bring you some movies over! :)

SHIRLEE said...

Gloria, I am so sorry for what you and your family and having to go thru. Please know that I think of you often and you are always in my prayers